Pathfinder NEXUS Game Compendium
When you play a tabletop RPG, you’re choosing to immerse yourself in a fantasy adventure – but full immersion in Pathfinder’s world of Golarion often requires players to call on a lot of game knowledge, from class mechanics and combat rules to creature stats and how to use magical items. Accessing that information has never been easier with the Pathfinder Game Compendium, available through Demiplane’s Pathfinder NEXUS.
The Pathfinder NEXUS Game Compendium is a collection of all the rules, mechanics and information that gamemasters and players need to manage or play a Pathfinder campaign. Rather than flipping through multiple books or scouring the internet for random bits of knowledge, we’ve aggregated all available information from a variety of sourcebooks into this free, interactive digital compendium. And with features like a clickable table of contents for Class, Ancestry, and Heritage profiles, and advanced filtering search options for other sections, you can quickly navigate to the information you desire.
With Demiplane’s Pathfinder NEXUS Game Compendium, you will find information on Classes, Archetypes, Ancestries, Heritages, Backgrounds, Feats, Spells, Items, and Creatures from a variety of sourcebooks, including the Advanced Players’ Guide, Guns & Gears, Treasure Vault and the Lost Omens publications, among others.

Pathfinder Game Compendium: Classes & Archetypes
Explore gameplay for 22 different Pathfinder classes through the compendium’s individual class profiles, where you’ll discover full lists of combat mechanics, class features, sample builds and feats to give a full overview of the class.
Looking to expand the scope of your character’s class? Visit the Pathfinder Archetypes page within the Compendium to view more than 150 different Archetypes and find one that helps you fully realize your character concept. Each Archetype page includes a quick overview of the type, as well as a list of Feats associated with that Archetype.

Pathfinder Game Compendium: Ancestries & Heritages
The Pathfinder Game Compendium also includes profiles on all 36 of Pathfinder’s Ancestries and its 14 separate Heritages that resulted from the intermingling of different groups within the world of Golarion. On the Ancestries pages you’ll find details on each Ancestry’s traits, physical description, society, common alignment and religions, naming conventions, and feats, as well as any Heritages specific to that Ancestry.

Other Categories
The Feats, Spells, Items, Creatures and Backgrounds sections all provide searchable tables with advanced filtering for each game element to make finding the information you need easy. Click the dropdown arrow on the far right to expand the listing and read all available information without navigating away from the page.
The Demiplane online Pathfinder Game Compendium is currently in Early Access, which means additional features and elements will be added as we continue to evolve – so keep your eyes open for future updates!
Pathfinder Source Books & Supplemental Material
Looking for supplemental Pathfinder sourcebooks? Visit our Sources page where you can purchase digital versions of all Rulebooks, Lost Omens publications, Standalone Adventures and Adventure Paths books to enhance your gameplay and story crafting.
READ NEXT > Character Elements
Learn more about our resources on Pathfinder character elements.
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